Punch out!
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk
This is a great book by Gary Vaynerchuk. He explains on how to market your idea without annoying people. Gary mentions that for you to have a successful product marketing, Social media is very important. You need to know how to connect with customers and beat the competition not just for six months but for year round content updated daily.
The author is able to explain how social media can create the story that would connect to others on a human level. He mentions that Jabs show great value while at the same time showing right hooks from time to time
It was explained in the book that Jabs are pieces of lightweight content that helps you followers laugh, snicker, ponder, play a game and feel appreciated. These jabs should be able to provide value and deepen the relationship with your customer.
On the flipside, Right hooks are action items that would directly benefit the business. This is aligned to your specific business objective. Ideally, the right hooks would convert traffic to sales and easily show results.
One must also be aware of the platform to be used. Content must be outstanding for Facebook to take notice. You need not only promote on FB but other social media outlets such as Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Tumblr can be used. Digital marketers must not only be developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content adapted to specific social media platforms. In other words,
Gary Vaynerchuk further stresses that that "Content for the sake of content is pointless" It is not just showing the information but the appropriate content is ideal. Gary also mentions that "Content is king, but context is God."Social media is now needed to connect with customers and clients
The book also further stresses that it took 38 years before 50 million people to gain access to radios while television took 13 years. Instagram took only a year and a half. This shows how digital marketing can really influence your customers. Technology has made it easier to improve your reach to your customers.
There is a need to Give Give Give, then Ask later. It is a fun time to be alive now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key.
Gary was able to explain this perfectly in the video below. Everyone sucks at something. He explains that you should learn how to lose and learn how to be kinder. Provide your peers good values and hope to expect that they will reciprocate.
You have only one life and there should be no regrets
Gary Vaynerchuk on Millennials and Procrastination