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Engaging Session!

Starting the new year right, today's session truly opened a lot of new ideas for me in terms of the digital world. Christmas was just a week ago and Prof was able to show an engaging video on how social media can be used to explain the birth of Jesus Christ. Very entertaining indeed.

It was explained in the COSLA presentations that we must focus on the critical points of either being online or offline since the right information should be shared to your customers.

It was further discussed in the other report that resources are very important for one to engage in a connection between customer and brand. Will the customer commit to your campaign? This is the biggest question. Just like being engaged, will you say no at the end of the aisle? Digital marketers should show their passion in going all the way in terms of the best social media platform to be utilized in promoting your specific objective. You have so many options to choose from. For you to succeed, companies must be engaged as closely as possible with the customers.

Prof sort of made the class quite interesting as we got to see most if not all of our classmates in the flesh through the camera. Technology is able to connect everyone. The sun is finally up here! it is so cold here... -34c (wind chill factor) I almost froze up during the session.

For the nature lover in me and for most of my colleagues a happy 2018! Cheers to many more connections!

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