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Is AIDA or si LORNA or is AAAAA?

Chapter 5 Review

Part II of the book talks about the New Frameworks for Marketing in the Digital Economy. In Chapter 5, I am amused that the things I knew in MARKMA. AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) was a thing of the past. It was soon updated by Rucker (Aware, Attitude, Act and act again)

As discussed in the previous chapters, the new lingo now for Connectivity era is the 5A’s (Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act and Advocate)

The shifting customer path in a connected world involves the influence of the community and willingness to advocate the brand. With connectivity into play now, customers now actively connect with one another while building on the ask-and-advocate relationship.

Kotler perfectly explained the 5A’s in terms of key customer impressions.

  • I know (AWARE)

  • I like (APPEAL)

  • I’m convinced (ASK)

  • I’m Buying (ACT)

  • I Recommend (ADVOCATE)

One must be careful of the five A’s path as customers tend to skip a step or 2 and spiral towards the previous stages thus creating a feedback loop. The number brands that would be advocated by the customers might tend to fluctuate across the 5A’s

Another area that was discuss thoroughly was the O ZONE (OWN + OTHER + OUTER)

Own comes from within oneself and result of past experiences. OTHER is your external environment while OUTER influence reaches customer first. I believe our marketing department should make use of such a tool (O Zone – O3) to optimize their efforts.

I do have to agree that if we manage this zone, we would be able to focus properly what type of marketing activities would be needed to focus on.


How can your brand identify and leverage the most critical touchpoints in the customer path?

For Petron, we can leverage on where the demand is greatest and most unique. For our main driver, XCS and Diesel we can create marketing programs that are specific to the needs of the many. For the car enthusiasts, we have the only EURO 6 fuel (BLAZE). Our marketing programs can be tailor fit to this niche group.

How can your business improve brand favorability and optimize marketing efforts by evaluating the three main sources of influence across the customer path?

By understanding the proper use of the O3 tool, our company can do surveys can determine which zone each product is right now. Vast use of social media must be done for the younger generation as this is where the appeal is now. For example for our high end fuels, our marketing team must emphasize on the driving experience such as long drive use of our fuels where focus is on fuel efficiency. Every year, we embark in a long drive program with car groups and discuss it in various formats such as TV and social media.

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